McMinn County, Tennessee

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ImageChuck Fleischmann

McMinn County Courthouse
6 East Madison Ave
Athens, TN  37303
(423) 745-4671 Phone
(423) 745-6025 Fax
Maxine Gernert – Liaison, McMinn County Office

The Athens, TN office of US Congressman Chuck Fleischmann serves the three county area of Bradley, McMinn and Monroe counties and is here to assist citizens with problems pertaining to federal agencies. The Congressman's office can assist with claims or questions involving federal agencies and programs. Opinions on legislation and issues currently being voted on by the U.S. House of Representatives can be relayed through this office.


Office is located on the top floor of the courthouse. Office hours: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday - Friday


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